Prime symbolism of silver deals with the moon and as such it is an attribute of feminine energy.
Chaldeans referenced silver by the female name of Nanna.
Rosicrucian alchemists attributed silver to the goddesses Artemis (Greek).
Renaissance alchemists divined with silver using Diana’s (Roman) personification.
Arabic alchemists invoked the feminine name of Manat when working with silver as an alchemical symbol.
Some quick symbolic meanings of silver:
- Purity
- Clarity
- Awareness
- Focus
- Single-ness of Purpose
- Femininity
- Persistence
- Vision
- Strength
Silver is symbolic of such attributes as awareness, clarity, and vision because of its bright/clear appearance.
Silver is a symbol for strength because this metal withstands abuse, weathering, and even heat. Nevertheless, it can still be molded into desired forms.
This is symbolic of a subtle strength. The message here is that we ourselves can be flexible enough to be molded into something better – but strong enough to keep our core integrity in tact.
Discover more about symbolism and silver by reading my interview with Göran Jönsson, an artist of sculpted jewelry made of primarily silver and slate.
The symbols call upon the power of the spirit’s energy the right amount of amputated energy produced will bring the desired manifestation it can produce a ethrical effect aslo effecting the self simultaneously because these metals and energies are with in the body but having a physical example of this energy take a silver ring for example an entirely new object can be created the metal stays the same but the composition is completely altered. As physics goes the metal looks the same although the ionic bonds have changed creating no longer a ring but whatever the energies that were directed composed it into although I could be wrong but Physics still defines the past and future actions but does not take into account the constant present action or force acting on the variable. So my theory is flawed although the theory of Reletivity does not prove say a action produces both equal and opposite reaction while simutaiously effecting or producing a random effect or event that is unexplainable
A case could be made that while silver symbolises purity (something to do with it’s antibiotic nature perhaps?), it also symbolises a flawed nature and the possibilty to be both corrupt and pure as unlike gold, the “perfect” metal, it tarnishes when in contact with sulphides. It is also associated heavily with the moon – the alchemical symbol for it is typically a cresent – and with still water, presumably due to it’s skill at reflection.
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