Let me say from the outset, it takes a lot for me to commission a reader. I have to feel safe and trust the spiritual practitioner 100% before moving forward with a personal reading.
After following Kim Gould on Twitter, viewing her website (www.loveyourdesign.com), and reading her regular blog posts on the LoveYourDesign Blog, it became clear Kim is a unique soul with valuable insight.
By getting to know her in this way first, I recognized Kim’s knowledge of the Human Design system was both expansive and impressive. She did not disappoint either. Kim’s interpretation of my Human Design was extremely valuable for my personal growth.
I love where she is coming from in her readings. She takes into account what is present on the HD read-outs, but also pays special attention to the subtleties of the results. Meaning, she’s just as attuned to the obscure shadows of her client’s design as she is to the obvious.
Further, I appreciate how Kim has a deep respect for the human soul. For example, she found no fault or error in my design. Rather, she could interpret certain weaknesses as strengths, and she put a hopeful/uplifting spin on a few areas of my design that could otherwise be viewed as “dark.”
Kim puts emphasis on the flexible nature of both humankind and our designs. My impression is that she sees no limit to each humans potential – and so her readings are incredibly inspirational.
Her respect for soul-growth is further evident in her unspoken commitment to liberating limitations – her interpretation of the HD system is about pointing out our tendencies, and proclivities in order to enhance a richer, deeper flow of energy through our minds, bodies, souls, hearts – and ultimately experiencing a magnificent current of growth throughout our entire lives.
My favorite part of Kim’s HD readings is that she gave me specific and detailed suggestions about how I can more effectively work WITH my design. She points a clear path to embracing our inner facets and working with ourselves in order to live life to its fullest.
I also loved hearing Kim’s sing-song voice on the recording. She has a naturally soothing expression, which I found very comforting. Her voice is almost angelic, and I felt instantly calm while she spoke of my Human Design.
It should be clear I highly recommend Kim’s Human Design service. Kim’s compassion and empathy sparkle in every aspect of her readings. Further, the expertise and insight she offers in her interpretations are valuable beyond price.
If you have a strong grasp of who you are, and are comfortable with your inner landscape, Kim Gould of Love Your Design will launch you into new levels of awareness. She will assist you in cultivating that inner landscape to bring about a magnificent garden of meaningful inner-knowing and wisdom.
Visit Kim at www.LoveYourDesign.com say hi, and get a Human Design reading from her. You won’t regret it.
Hm … neato. I might just do that. D~