I bet we can all agree the Internet is an uncommon organism whose existence has revolutionized countless facets of human interaction.
The Internet has allowed me to connect with amazing folks all around the world. Over the years, I’ve met phenomenally fabulous & magical peeps I might otherwise never known!
There is deep symbolism found in the these virtual realms, and maybe one day I’ll write about my observations.
But, today, I’m name-dropping.
Allow me to share a few bright gems I’ve met on the Internet….folks who shine so brightly with vibrant talent, radiant hearts and/or they’re just really wicked-awesome.
Oh, and keep checking in, I’ll be pulling more bright lights outta my hat as time marches on like a mad hare. And stay tuned for part deux in which I’ll share some incredibly artistic souls who have painted my world with luscious hues.
In the Realms of Psychism, Spirituality, Esoteric Arts, Human Potential (in no specific order):
Michele Knight rocks my world. She’s an incredible psychic, sure, but that’s not why I love her. I adore her because she is a unique soul, with a heart as big as the Internet itself. We met on Twitter and jived instantly. She flew me to the UK for 2 weeks to stay with her and we got on like a house on fire! She’s a soul sister and has been vital to my personal evolution. If you don’t know her, you should!
- www.MicheleKnight.com
- www.AstrologyKnight.com
- http://members.micheleknight.co.uk/ (Fabulously rich members area where you can learn tons! Free!)
- www.PsychicKnight.com (a vibrant online community that might be just the place you’re looking for!)
Huna Caat has spent a staggering amount of time focused on helping both humankind and animalkind alike. She’s got incredible gifts to offer, as you can see through her websites:
- www.MysticalPedia.com (an overwhelmingly awesome resource!)
- www.SpiritCaat.com (devoted to healing, reading and helping)
- www.PawsTalk.net (dedicated to communicating and helping animals)
Robert Phoenix is a astrological mage, and I talk about the reasons I adore him in my post here. Find out more about his astrological views on his website:
Kim Gould is a bright-souled dynamo. She’s a Human Design expert, and she’ll rock your world. You can read my review of her services here (yes, she’s read for me, and I love her approach!). Better yet – just go to her website & blog:
- www.LoveYourDesign.com
- http://www.loveyourdesign.com/blog/ (her blog, updated regularly with A+ insights)
I’ve only just met Pamela McQuade, but I adore where she’s coming from – a place where spirituality is savvy, smart & sexy. Learn more about Pamela on her website:
Another new friendship made is with the Fabulous Mr. Robert Mendoza. He totally seized me by my snarglies for his candor, vision and mesmerizing energy. Let Robert enchant you too:
- www.Azodnem.com (yes, it’s Mendoza spelt backwards…how freakin’ clever is that!?)
- Mr. Mendoza’s Facebook group
Dr. Liara Covert and I have been crossing paths in the blogosphere for a couple years (I think, tempus fugit – there’s no way 4 me to figure out time spans these days). Anyhoo, she is a dream expert with phenomenal insights to share. Check it:
- www.DreamBuilders.com.au
- http://blog.dreambuilders.com.au/ Liara’s first-rate blog
Jade Dressler is a stunningly sparkly gem in my vision. I love her perspectives and her sources of creativity are spun from vortices of vavavavoom! High energy, aware, irrepressibly chic with conscience, meet my friend Jade:
Greg Kaminsky is a virtual treasure trove of esoteric wonder. If you want non-fluff, substantial information of hermetic, theological, esoteric, occult sciences, he’s your gentleman guide:
- www.OccultOfPersonality.net
- http://www.occultofpersonality.net/membership/ (Greg’s killer Membership section)
I first fell utterly in love with Colette Baron-Reid through her music. It was sheer delight to discover she had a grand heart to match her musical talent. What’s more, she’s stunningly accurate Intuitive! You’ve probably heard of her, she’s internationally renowned for her intuitive gifts. Do yourself a favor, and tune into her radio show every Thursday – it will be the highlight of your week!
- www.ColeteBaronReid.com
- http://www.colettebaronreid.com/blog/ Colette’s blog
- http://store.colettebaronreid.com/Colettes-music-C38.aspx Colette’s bonzer music
- http://www.hayhouseradio.com/hosts.php?author_id=355 Colette on HayHouse Radio
There are some people whose vision sparkles at such a high vibe, you can’t help but get caught up in their brilliance! This is how I felt when I met Carrie Anne & Scott, the masterminds behind Token Rock. I love the mission and vision behind Token Rock so much, I post a lot of thoughts there via a blog they provided me (and you can too – just check out their journaling features on the website!). I know you are going to swoon over the amazing information Carrie Anne & Scott have provided. See why they’ve been nominated for the prestigious Webby award!:
- www.TokenRock.com
- http://www.tokenrock.com/trujournal/ Your personal spiritual journaling tool!
Sarah Nash is one of those ebullient souls who has style, class AND a fabulous view on spirituality. She’s got a heart of gold too. Check out her site:
Mark Husson is a pioneer in Jungian astrology. His humor is killer, to be sure, but he backs it up with a strong backbone of expertise. Empathy, wit, instinct and knowledge make Mark a genuine authority, and a world-class individual.
Declan Lestatis a fresh acquaintance, but I’m certain he’s an old soul with whom I’ve shared conversation over a cuppa java in parallel dims. Maybe you will get the same vibe from him too. Sleek, intelligent with just the right mix of cheek…Declan offers no-nonsense self-help.
Slade Robersonand I have been dancing around in the blogosphere for awhile now, and I’m never disappointed with the quality, charisma and compassion expressed through his blog. Seriously folks, Slade has mountains of wisdom to offer, start benefiting from his perspectives today:
Okay folks, these are a few peeps I have come to adore in the virtual psyche/spiritual realms.
I know the list will grow (and I may have forgotten a few this first pass), so come back to see how the circle widens!
And, stay tuned for my next post, in which I share peeps I’ve met in the realms of art & media who have totally electrified & inspired me over the years!
Sweet sauce. Appreciate the arrow to some great souls.