Part of the thrill of being involved in an online tribe is meeting incredibly gifted souls along the way. One such bright soul is Valerie Piacenti. We’ve known each other for a few years now, and it’s been an utter pleasure to share life’s journey with her. Valerie has been a beacon in my life for her refreshing outlook and her consistently uplifting perspectives. Her passion is in sharing the gift of music as a catalyst for healing, expression and expanding awareness. It’s clear I adore Valerie, her music, and her mission. Everybody knows a good thing becomes great when it’s shared with others, so I’d like to take this opportunity to share a little bit about Valerie and the value she offers. Check out her info, contact her, ask her questions – she’s a gem to chat with! And feel free to leave comments, I know she’ll relish the feedback!
Valerie Piacenti has long been interested in how music, sound and voice can be used to soothe, inspire and heal. She is a certified Cross Cultural Music in Healing Practitioner and Founder of Pacific Sound and Voice, having completed a two-year course of study in Therapeutic Applications of Cross-Cultural Sound and Music with Pat Moffitt Cook, Ph.D. and Director of the Open Ear Center on Bainbridge Island, Washington.
Valerie has been involved in extensive personal transformation, spiritual work and meditation for over thirty years, over six of them in sacred sound. Last year, she completed the program Spiritual Health Through Sound and Music, also taught by Pat Moffitt Cook and continues with this program several times throughout the year.
In addition to sound healing, Valerie uses her vocal talents as a professional singer and performer, having appearing on stages from Broadway to London.
Pacific Sound and Voice is a company focusing on the many applications and therapeutic benefits of using sound and music. Current services available for both individual and group clients include sound programs, chant and mantra meditation, prescriptive music and vocal coaching.
The practice of sound and music for health and well-being is ancient. It can easily be traced back 3,000 years and more than likely, it stems from thousands of years earlier.
Throughout history, the use of music and sound have been used successfully to reduce stress, control pain, to entertain, provide a shift in mood and emotion, induce and enhance awareness, as well as provide complimentary techniques to medical practices.
Using the tools of the voice through humming, toning, chant and mantra, the singing bowl, and prescriptive music we can help bring about increased health and well-being.
Some of the benefits of using sound, music and voice include:
- Focus, clarity and calm
- Stress and emotional relief
- Increased breath and lung capacity
- Synchronize and balance the right and left hemispheres of the brain
- Balance the chakras or energy centers
- Improvement of overall health, energy and well-being
- Enhance meditation or spiritual practice
Are you intrigued? You should be! Valerie is a powerhouse of knowledge, talent, and intuitive excellence. In fact, I have several of her CDs and they are a delight and a joy to experience. The instrumentation she chooses for her pieces are truly soothing and obviously crafted with care. Furthermore, Valerie’s voice and musical affinity is superior in my opinion.
Check out Valerie’s website here (and check back on her website in a few weeks, because she’s working on adding new information). If you want to talk to Valerie about her melodic awakening practice, here’s how to reach her at: valerie{at}pacificsoundandvoice.com -or- give her a call at: 206-931-3771. When you talk to her, tell her Avia says “hi”! 🙂
Hi Valerie! It’s great to see another soul on the path the healing and raising this earth’s vibrational frequency! Keep up the good work!