Earlier in the year I shared a few names of peeps who totally inspire me, and may inspire you too.
This is part deux of the same idea, only these magical peeps are of artful ilk. Whatever medium, each one of these fabulous souls has touched me deeply.
What’s more, when I’m stuck in some kind of muck (writers block, emotional rust, barricaded perceptions)…I tip-toe through these artists websites. Doing so gives me the leverage I need to get unstuck, readjust and swim along as life intended.
I trust you will find equal inspiration from their conveyances. Check back, as I’ll likely be adding more as time moves on.
In no order:
Donna L. Faber: My friend and soul-sista, Donna’s art has a way of quaking me down to my oogedy-boogedy shoes. I own several of her pieces; they hang in my studio office and I can tell you they pack a powerful whallop of creative energy. See Donna’s work at: www.DonnaLouiseFaber.com (be sure to check out her feminine art – totally bonzer).
Chiara Fersini: As a writer, it’s frustrating to be wholly struck by various imagery & artful symbolism and not adequately express in word what’s going on in the soul. That’s what happens when I gaze upon Chiara’s (aka Himitsuhana) art. Her imagery constantly rips me in half because I am both spellbound, yet unable to describe the sensations set before me. I can live with that. Check her out on Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/himitsuhana/
Göran Jönsson: My friend Göran has an old soul, and I’m convinced he’s a descendant of Thor if not Hephaestus. He takes the cold hard reality of silver and precious metals and molds them into meaningful poetry. Sleek, simple and packed with symbolism, his sculpted jewelry proffers understated elegance too. I own one of his pieces and find my demeanor instantly shifted upon donning it. You can appreciate his work on his website: http://www.sculptedjewelry.se/
Susan Morrison Sims: Have you ever swirled your finger on the surface of reflective waters? Peering in, everything in the waters is cast back – but the images are all twirly and dreamy-like. That’s where Susan (aka: Gypsy-Heart) takes me with her art. She moves me right out of myself and into various parallels where I can heal, dream and wander. Let her take you on a trip too: http://susanmorrisonsims.com/New_Work.html
Norn Cutson: I encountered Norn through Donna Faber, and so thankful for the connection. His illustrations of classic albums are melodic and utterly macdaddy. His art takes me on a spin cycle, and never leaves me out to dry. Crisp, clean, bright and voluptuously vintage. Check out Norn’s goodness here: http://www.nornsisland.com/
James Sutherland: My thoughts lash out in millions of directions, James’ art has the ability to filter my scattered bits into focus. I love his use of candy-Skittle-colors, they make my corpuscles go “pop” (a very good thing). His symbolic view is fully refreshing. When I go off into endless rabbit trails of symbolism looking for a fitting burrow, I find James’ art grounds and centers me. His expressions are “just right” and comforting. Be comforted yourself: http://www.jameswsutherland.com/index.html
L. Caruana: His rendition of Kali seized me. So much so, I got it tattooed on my stomach. I love Caruana’s approach to visual conveyance. Deeply symbolic, mystical and multi-layered. Very intense too. Check out his vibe: http://www.lcaruana.com/
Robert Mendoza: Some people you just know, @ first sight, they are total super-freaky-keen. The minute I saw the Magnificent Mr. Mendoza’s work I was electrified. Be enchanted: http://www.azodnem.com/
Commandax: Not one single artist, but a blog devoted to a collection of artists, interviews and images of their work. I don’t know Commandax, but I love her taste in art. Not one feature on her blog, Erratic Phenomena , has led to disappointment. On the contrary, her showcases are illuminating, her views perceptive and her posts enlightening. See for yourself: http://commandax.blogspot.com/
Other artists who rock my world in one way or another…
- Chris Achilleos – Fantasy & Glam Illustrator
- Robert M. Place – Tarot & Alchemical influenced Illustrator
- Andrew Bako – Digital, Graphic Artist
- Alex Grey – Superior Expression of Energy & Human Design
- B.A. Vierling – Dark, deeply symbolic Painter, Illustrator
- Ma Deva Padma– Creatrix of the Osho Zen Tarot imagery (sample: “Trust” shown above)
- Michael Parkes – I can’t contain his art with a label. See for yourself.
- Andrea Pluhar – Painter & Visionary
- Jenice Johnson – Photographer & Whimsy-maker
- Bev Doolittle – ‘Nuf said (phenomenal natural artist)
- Sue Coccia – Animal Spirit Artist (the website doesn’t do justice)
- Lenny Foster – Photographer & Wayshower
- Patrick Valenza – Mastermind of Deviant Moon Tarot imagery
Keep coming back, I’ll have more to add.
Other soulful kin who inspire me (part one of this “name dropping” series).
Have a morphing doolittle in my living room. love ma deva dadma…use 2 of her decks. And am thrilled to meet these other artists (just ordered some earth art for each participant in an upcoming retreat)! sooo appreciate of your sharing! thanks!
Avia … thank you so much for including me in your special group. Your support means the world to me, sister.
Hi Avia,
greetings to you 😀
I just glanced through some of your online resources and find them interesting. Thanks for the symbolical explanations of numbers.
I hope you’ve heard of synchonicity, as explaned by Carl Jung. When aware of the phenomenon, your interaction with your surroundings, such as numbers, increases.
I’d like to suggest also to switch to Sidereal astrology. You may be born Scorpio ! Please use the real position of the stars, you’ll be much more accurate 😉
Namaste !