Anticipation: Astrological Chart Reading

An offer was extended by Jennifer L. Shelton of FemCentral for an astrology chart reading (Jennifer was gracious in featuring on her FemCentral blog).

I love astrology, but not for conventional reasons.  I’ve had my chart read by Robert Phoenix, and my Human Design interpreted by Kim Gould.  Each experience plied mortar between a few bricks in my psyche.  Excellent forays into astrological realms, on both accounts.

I read someplace that each human soul has a counterpart in the stars.  Meaning, there is a stellar-doppelganger of ourselves– only in the form of a celestial body – a star.  I can’t remember where I read that, but I thought it was very cool.  It galvanized my theory that we are first and foremost: Universal.  And, it just makes good sense to tap into that starlight-starbright perspective  by any (healthy) means necessary.

Meditation launches me out there in the dark matter.  So do a few other tricks up my soul-seeking sleeve.  Astrology is another trip to the stars – another vehicle for “lift off.”

So, it’s in this spirit of light-tripping that I look forward to some astrological wisdom from Jennifer.  I’ll let you know more (and probably write up a review of her services so you can benefit from her insights too).

2 Comments on “Anticipation: Astrological Chart Reading”

  1. Lately ,I’ve been curled up toasty warm with Books, Books, Books!
    “The Last Witchfinder” by James Morrow gave me something to take away that was to me so poignant…
    To read is a radical act, especially for a woman. I recommend the story.
    So by day I read somewhat serious stuff, and by night works of imagination.
    Good to see your post Vene, I get a certain comfort knowing that you’re there.

  2. I was thinking about “V’s” and was happy to see your comment. Will check out the Morrow book on your recommendation. There’s no better place to be (imho) than curled up with a good book. xo

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